Friday, December 26, 2008

Merry X'mas- Lost & Found

Showing off some X'mas gift for my bf's family & friend. Hope they like it.
I like Celtic design beads.
Little info about Celtic design,

Square Knot Tile
Meaning: this Celtic Knot originally came from a border knot from the "Book of Kels" Shich has been shortend to fit this application. It can sometimes be viewed as a stylized of infinity.

Trinity Knot Tile

Meaning: enternal faith, hope and love. the circle represents enternity, also an ancient norse rune of protection.

During my X'mas visiting, I also found a photo of my painting I did for SPCA Show a year ago(or two?). Now the painting is belong to a friend of mine, Dan Halle :)

Merry X'mas to everyone~


Amber Leaders said...

These are beautiful gifts Wynne!

jonathan said...

hey! thanks for stopping by my blog! I love you're watercolor pieces! beautiful!

Ken said...

Hope you had a great Christmas!

Beautiful presents, you are very talented. I especially like your Celtic themed ones, but I am biased, being Scottish and all haha

Happy 2009!

Irene Garcia said...

The kitty in the frame is so beautiful :)

Dan said...

Yeah it does! Nice stuff, Wynne.

Mike Frenette said...

the loved the gifts! mom mentioned them again to me the other day... thanks babe. =)

Le Tang said...

Where's my Stewie doll?!