Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Atomic Monkey

This painting is for Atomic Monkey. They turn great 3D models to statue. They are going to sell their monkey at comic com this year. Ha..I got one already!

I wanna make my own toy in the future too.

If any artist wants to make their design to toys, I think Atomic Monkey is the good place to check out.

Well, thank you for the monkey. I’ll see you at Comic com!!

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Jamie's Elephant

I receive a lot of acrylics and I can’t wait to explore all of it.
This Pink Elephant was the gift for my younger sister, Jamie. She loves Elephant a lot!!
Jamie said it’s too childish but she admits she does like it!
I guess I’ll do more elephants in the future. How about the Green one??

voice of knowledge

Recently, I am reading the book,” the voice of knowledge”. It helps people to know their true selves and understand the inner voice. The 1st Chapter is about the story of Adam and Eve. The author explains the story from different of view.
I really like this book and do the little painting for it.